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avoid conflict 意味

"avoid conflict"の例文


  • 対立{たいりつ}を避ける
  • avoid     avoid v. 避ける. 【副詞1】 I barely avoided a tree . もうちょっとで木に車をぶつけるところだった
  • conflict     1conflict n. 戦い, 争い; 衝突, 対立, 矛盾; 〔心理〕 葛藤; 〔法律〕 抵触(ていしょく). 【動詞+】 A hurried
  • avoid an interpersonal conflict    対人関係{たいじん かんけい}[人間関係{にんげん かんけい}]の対立{たいりつ}[衝突{しょうとつ}]を避ける
  • avoid conflict in communicating    コミュニケーション摩擦{まさつ}を避ける
  • avoid conflict with one's friends    友達との争いを避ける
  • avoid direct conflict with    ~との直接{ちょくせつ}の衝突{しょうとつ}を避ける
  • scrupulously avoid any conflict of interest in    細心{さいしん}の注意{ちゅうい}を払って~での利害{りがい}の衝突{しょうとつ}を避ける
  • avoid causing a conflict of interest in investigations over regular criminal cases    通常事件捜査{つうじょう じけん そうさ}への影響{えいきょう}を避ける
  • a conflict    a conflict 繋争 けいそう
  • conflict     1conflict n. 戦い, 争い; 衝突, 対立, 矛盾; 〔心理〕 葛藤; 〔法律〕 抵触(ていしょく). 【動詞+】 A hurried compromise averted open conflict. 急いだ妥協があからさまな対立を避けた avoid (a) conflict as far as possible できるだけ衝突を避ける Su
  • conflict with    ~と衝突する、~にぶつかる、~と対立する、~に抵触する、(時期が)~とかちあう、~と矛盾{むじゅん}する、食い違う、相いれない、~との相剋{そうこく}を生む The drawings conflict with the specifications. 図面が仕様書と食い違っている。 Can I reschedule the meeting with you? It is conflicting
  • in conflict    in conflict 相容れない 相入れない あいいれない
  • in conflict with    ~と衝突{しょうとつ}[対立{たいりつ}?論争{ろんそう}?矛盾{むじゅん}]して、~と戦って、~と紛争中で、~に抵触して、~と相いれない、~とあつれきがあって
  • to be in conflict with    to be in conflict with 搗ち合う かち合う かちあう
  • to conflict    to conflict 掛け違う かけちがう


  • at the beginning , japan tried to avoid conflict through diplomatic efforts .
  • while hidehira carried out yoritomo ' s demands faithfully , he judged it impossible to avoid conflict with kamakura any more .
  • it is said that sotan was sent to daitoku-ji temple in order to avoid conflict concerning the succession of the family estate , because his father shoan was rikyu ' s second wife ' s son by a previous marriage .
  • there were some movements in support of munetake tokugawa , the second son who was more intelligent than the sickly ieshige , or munetada tokugawa , the fourth son , for the new shogun , but it is said that yoshimune dared to choose ieshige in order to avoid conflict between munetake and munetada over the post of shogun .
  • in general , japanese people think that a modest attitude of keeping down self-assertiveness is a virtue , and have a concept of ' harmony ' of trying to avoid conflict with surrounding people , and therefore , japanese people have customs and etiquette in human relationships which are unique and are not owned by other races .
  • at that time , only a lineal ancestor of an emperor was allowed to open a cloister government , and , therefore , those imperial princes brought in by tokitada , and so on , must be adopted children of takakura in order to maintain influence of takakura; this was a compromise to avoid conflict between goshirakawa and kiyomori .
  • tadayoshi ashikaga handled many lawsuits raised by the aristocracy , temples and shrines who had their shoen (private estates ) taken by the buke (military class ), and he tried to avoid conflict between kuge/temples/shrines and buke by preventing control by buke by recognizing the independence of the shoen of kuge , temples and shrines in exchange for accepting the hanzei rei .
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